Stanley Ford Sweetwater

Headlight Service

close up view of headlight bulbs

Headlight Service at Stanley Ford Sweetwater

When you’re driving in the dead of night, you’re going to want to make sure that your headlights are working optimally, as they’re the only thing allowing you to see the road ahead. When you’re beginning to have issues near Abilene, Sweetwater, or Roscoe, and you’re looking for a quick fix, make your way to Stanley Ford Sweetwater, where our mechanics can root out electrical problems and provide you with a replacement. 

Dying Headlights 

If you’re dealing with finicky headlights, you’ll want to take the time to see exactly what’s going on with your vehicle. You could be experiencing a variety of symptoms, but if you notice any of the signs below, you may be able to tell where the problem originates from. 
  • One Headlight Suddenly Stops: When your headlight suddenly goes out on the road, you’re likely dealing with a burnt-out bulb. Over time, your bulbs will eventually give out, but if this isn’t the source of your issue, you’ll want to look at your wiring and fuses. 
  • All Your Lights Stop Working: When you’re left in the dark, your electrical system is probably the culprit. For a job like this, you’re going to want to head to Stanley Ford Sweetwater, where our mechanics can help you.
  • Either Your High or Low Beams Work: When you can get one set of lights to work but not the other, you could either be dealing with worn switches and relays or burnt bulbs. 

Managing Your Headlights

If your lights are still working, but you notice that they’ve been dimmer lately, you might be able to easily fix the issue. Sometimes, all you need is a simple rag, but depending on the cause, it might still warrant a trip to the mechanic. 
  • Your Charging System: Usually, when the lights are becoming dim and there’s no sign of bad bulbs or fogged lenses, it’s a problem with your alternator. This is a problem that’s best left to the mechanic. 
  • Wearing Bulbs: You’ll want to keep track of the last time you’ve changed your bulbs. Bulbs will gradually get dimmer over time, which can serve as a warning sign that it’s time for a replacement. 
  • Foggy Lenses: Sometimes, your lights just need a simple cleaning. If you can’t seem to see very far ahead of you, you’re going to want to quickly wipe down your headlights, as it can make a considerable difference. 

New Lights and Wires

If your lights are failing, you’ll be able to find a replacement at Stanley Ford Gilmer. There are a lot of options to choose from, so you’ll want to carefully consider what you want for your model. You can choose between:
  • LED Headlights 
  • Halogen Headlights 
  • High-Intensity Discharge (HID) Headlights
If your model needs service, you’ll be able to solve all of your electrical problems here as well. This will make sure that you don’t deal with a failing battery later down the line, or some other equally annoying issue. You’ll also be able to make sure that your wiring is working properly, so you won’t have to worry about your headlights suddenly leaving you in the dark. 
When you need better visibility, you’ll want to schedule a headlight service with Stanley Ford Sweetwater.