Stanley Ford Sweetwater

Vehicle Diagnostic Service

close up view of vehicle diagnostic test being performed

Vehicle Diagnostic Service at Stanley Ford Sweetwater

Computers have quickly taken over just about every part of daily life, as they’re incredibly efficient and capable. When it comes to your vehicle, it relies on an onboard computer to keep everything working smoothly. When you begin to run into issues near Abilene, Sweetwater, or Roscoe, head to Stanley Ford Sweetwater, where our mechanics will be able to provide you with a vehicle diagnostic service. 

Your Model’s Computer

Since your model’s computer runs silently in the background, you may not have even noticed it before. When your vehicle is running, it collects a huge swath of data, ranging from how your brakes are performing to your current airflow. This data comes directly from the respective system itself, as your car is outlined with a multitude of sensors. Once it arrives at your computer, your model can quickly fine-tune your performance so that you’re more efficient on the road. If something is wrong, you’ll be notified through your check engine light, or a similar icon. While this can be annoying, and even stressful at times, it gives you a good idea of when you’re in need of service. Once you arrive at the dealership, we’ll be able to provide you with a vehicle diagnostic. This gives our mechanics all the information they might need for your model, including trouble codes, service notifications, and more. 

When is it Time?

Not everyone is a mechanic, so it can be hard to know when it’s time to bring your model in for its next service. For a vehicle diagnostic test, you’ll want to be looking at these signs in order to determine whether or not it’s time to schedule with Stanley Ford Sweetwater. 
  • Your Model Is Old: The older your parts get, the more likely they are to run into trouble. When you want to make sure that everything is still working properly and running smoothly, it can help to have your model diagnosed. 
  • Your Performance Is Lacking: When your vehicle’s performance just isn’t the same, you may want to consider having it diagnosed. This can help address issues like a lower fuel economy, a lack of power, and even engine misfires. 
  • Your Dashboard Has Warning Lights: Warning lights are often the first major sign that something isn’t right with your vehicle. If your check engine light came on, it’s probably for a reason. 

Astounding Results 

There are a lot of benefits that come with a vehicle diagnostic test, as you’ll be able to make sure that every part of your car is equipped for the road. When your vehicle is being serviced, you can count on:
  • Your Family’s Safety: When you’re on the road, you’re relying on systems like your brake to work correctly. With a diagnostic test, our mechanics will be able to catch any potential issues that you might be having with your safety systems. 
  • A Prolonged Engine Life: When your engine is well-serviced and happy, it’s going to last a lot longer on the open road, so you’ll be able to make the most out of your model.
  • Better Power and Efficiency: Depending on what was wrong with your model, you might see everything from better acceleration to better fuel economy. 
When you want to see exactly what’s wrong with your model, schedule a service with Stanley Ford Sweetwater.